Wednesday, July 31, 2019

On Teenagers and Tattoos

The Impact on Society of Teenage Tattooing The Impact on Society of Teenage Tattooing Does the tattoo define the person, or does the person define the tattoo? In modern society tattoos are widely accepted except when applied to the skin of an adolescent. Adolescents with tattoos face judgment from a variety of people such as authoritative figures, parents, and their peers. This article (On Teenagers and Tattoos, by Andres Martin, MD. ) provides examples of how society views adolescents with tattoos. Tattoos are something we see on people on an everyday basis, but on adolescents, it is not very common.Many adults believe that those in the younger generation sometimes get tattoos to enrage affronts to their authority. Parents in general do not approve of their children decorating their bodies with modifications such as tattoos because of their irreversible and permanent nature. Like makeup, fashion or hairstyles tattoos can also be just another way to fit in with their peers. When give n the chance it is important to understand the motivations and significance of a tattoo before making an erroneous judgment.Tattooing is a way of fitting into a peer group or expressing one’s own individuality. Adolescents often turn to tattooing as a way to take back some control of their evolving bodies as well as their lives. When an adolescent feels that there is a lack of stability in his life (such as divorce, abandonment, and repeated family relocations) he may feel that getting a tattoo may return a sense of control and stability into his life. Adolescents are often influenced by peers to get a tattoo but do not put any thought into its permanence or how they may feel about it in the future.Author Andres Martin says â€Å"The frequency of self-made tattoos among hospitalized, incarcerated, or gang-affiliated youth suggests such motivations: a sense of stability may be a particularly dire need under temporary, turbulent or volatile conditions. † In every argumen t there are two sides to be heard, and the other side in this case is the adolescents. Adolescents believe in expressing themselves through art. They also believe tattoos are a way of representing their individuality. I believe that teenagers get tattoos for various reasons that are important to the person.Some get them for personal reasons such as a memorial tattoo for a deceased family member, or a ribbon to show support for someone fighting their battle with cancer. An inspirational quote such as a bible verse, poem, or a song lyric may also be another choice for the adolescents tattoo. Fantasy characters are also a popular choice. On the other hand there are various negative reasons teenagers get tattoos as well; for instance, to defy their parent’s authority, to represent a gang affiliation, to draw attention to themselves, and sometimes as a dare.I have observed that some older people have an aversion to tattoos on teenagers as opposed to some young parents that find it acceptable. Older people may assume that the adolescents tattoo is gang related or that they are a troubled youth. Some people believe that the parents of an adolescent with a tattoo may be neglectful or unaware of what is going on in their child’s life. Some older people are against body modifications of any form and look down on those who have them. After reading through this article I found that it thoroughly explains the pros and cons of adolescents with tattoos.Although I do respect the writers view on the subject, I disagree. I personally believe that as a part of growing up a teenager should be allowed to get a tattoo but only after being fully informed of the consequences that getting a tattoo may bring. Some of the problems that might ensue are possible rejection from a specific field of work for the visibility of a tattoo, a wrong assumption about the character of a person with a tattoo, or even later in life having to cover a tattoo or get it removed because your own personal feeling about it has changed.I personally have been debating on getting a tattoo myself, although my family doesn’t approve It’s my body and I will make the final decision. I am very well aware that in five maybe ten years from now I could quite possibly hate my tattoo and regret not listening to my family. I am also aware of how expensive and painful laser removal is but I’m prepared to suffer the consequences if and when I decide to get a tattoo. Most adolescents don’t think beyond the tattoo itself or its ramifications Martin, Andres. Baker College Composition. Revised Edition ed. Boston Ma: Pearson Learning Solutions, n. d. 320-23. Print

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Promote childrens behaviour Essay

Unit 304 Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour The role of a school is multi-faceted. It exists not only to educate, but to guide children’s development into well-adjusted, independent, and successful adults. In order to offer support and time to a class in its entirety, pupil behaviour needs to be managed effectively. Boundaries and rules need to be set for children and a consistent approach applied by all staff. Documented policies and procedures enable all to have a clear understanding of expectations and common goals. There are, however, behavioural or discipline problems that need to be referred to others and all need to be aware of when the situation needs additional assistance and where to obtain this. All staff, from teaching to support staff and lunchtime supervisors, within my setting have sight of the behaviour policy and are expected to adhere to the principles and strategies contained within it. This ensures that all know what is expected f rom them and children can respond positively. I believe that children respond well to having clear, consistent, boundaries and guidelines. When met with unclear, or differing rules, they will attempt to test or push the boundaries as they do not have the security of knowing where they stand. This is likely to be most evident with older students. When all staff follow the correct procedures and fairly apply boundaries, the children know what is acceptable and what is not. If children are aware of the scale of rewards and sanctions and the order in which they are applied, it should not matter, who is speaking to them about their behaviour. As a volunteer within the school, I have the same status and authority as contracted teaching staff with regard to behaviour management. I am fortunate to have the full support of the class teacher and this reinforces my confidence in dealing with inappropriate behaviour. The children can see that there is a â€Å"team† approach to behaviour management and that they will be treated in the same manner, regardless of who is with them at the time. . The school works collaboratively with parents by supplying each with a copy of the school promises at the start of the academic year. These are signed by the teacher and the children. The aim of the school is to reward good behaviour in order to develop an ethos of kindness and co-operation. This is certainly  true within the class in which I volunteer; however, I am aware that some days can be a battle against poor behaviour and it is a challenge to find positive behaviour to praise, but absolutely essential. A child may become accustomed to only getting attention for bad behaviour, which may serve only to reinforce his actions; especially if it is the only attention that they receive. The guidelines for the area of school in which I volunteer indicate that a child sit in the â€Å"thinking chair,† when they have behaved inappropriately, followed by moving their name if the behaviour continues. Further occurrences would mean the class teacher speaking to the parents. I recently told a child not to swing his p.e bag from his neck and discussed with him the potential dangers of doing so. He continued to display the actions that I had asked him not to and so I used the thinking chair. Further occurrences would have involved moving Julie Gibson10/11/2013 his name and continuing with the set behaviour procedure. Before returning to join the rest of the class, we discussed why he had been on the chair and the potential injuries he could have sustained. In this instance the class teacher also spoke to his parents because of the dangerous nature of his actions and spoke to the whole class about the incident, to reinforce the dangers. The following week, I observed the child warn another, not to put their cord around their neck as â€Å"it could hurt.† I praised the child for his actions and explained how much I valued his support. I knew that this particular child liked to be praised in front of his peers and so at a convenient moment, I stopped the class and explained to them that I was awarding him a team point for sensible behaviour in class. The pride and boost to his self-esteem was clear to see. Applying the same rules and boundaries helps children feel equal, valued and respected. Fairly applied boundaries can also help children become more independent and co-operative. It is important for all pupils to be recognised and rewarded for positive behaviour. As previously stated, children who are more often given attention for poor behaviour, require positive behaviour to be recognised and rewarded when positive behaviour is displayed. When children attempt to gain attention through undesirable behaviour, it is often better to ignore it if possible and give attention to those behaving  well. Research and studies developed by B.F Skinner in the 1940’s, suggest that behaviour that gives them recognition or praise is more likely to be repeated. In order to maintain a balance, children need six positive responses for every negative. If possible, negative behaviour should be ignored and diversion techniques used, to prevent the undesirable behaviour. Boundaries help children feel safe and avoid confusion. By rewarding good behaviour, children experience a boost to their self-esteem, which, ideally creates a self-perpetuating response of good behaviour. Good behaviour creates a positive environment for learning and should maximise performance in the classroom. There is no value in consistently applying rewards and sanctions, if I do not role model the actions that I am actively promoting. Children will take their lead from me and if I am not behaving responsibly or appropriately, they will not take me seriously. I ensure that interactions that I may have with other adults, or children are respectful and give a clear indication of the correct way to behave. If I make a mistake, I ensure that I apologise and show my actions to rectify as I am aware that negative actions observed will have a resulting, negative influence upon the actions of the children within my class. When giving instructions and guidelines on required behaviour to the class, I use a positive tone and discuss the benefits with the class e.g â€Å"why is it better to walk in class.?† Children are likely to give responses regarding tripping and hurting themselves. By using this tactic, the children are setting boundaries collaboratively. When they do not act in the way agreed, they are breaking their own rules, not Julie Gibson10/11/2013  simply ones enforced by me. When they do behave appropriately, I can highlight this and give praise and recognition. These may be by way of stickers and team points or recommending for a superstar certificate, to be awarded at the end of the week. Whilst all staff should feel confident in dealing fairly and consistently with inappropriate behaviour, there will always be occasions when others need to be involved. If it becomes clear that a situation is getting out of hand and there is possible danger to the staff member, or pupil, assistance should be requested from another staff member. A pupil may begin to behave in an unpredictable way that makes the  staff member uncomfortable. Referral to the SENCO may be required if a child with additional needs has a behavioural problem requiring specialist assistance and additional strategies for use within the classroom. If staff have a problem with a particular child that is proving increasingly difficult to resolve, assistance from senior staff, or the head teacher can be sought. They can assist in referrals to the local authority behaviour unit and educational psychologists, who will make assessments and offer advice, help and support. Clearly when situations concerning behaviour reach a point where external agencies become involved, parents should be fully aware of difficulties and their cooperation sought to enable a combined approach from all sides. Consistency is key when dealing with behavioural issues. If all staff support each other to deal in a fair manner, applying rules and boundaries equally, children feel safe in the knowledge that rewards and sanctions with be the same, regardless of who is dealing with their behaviour. By actively promoting positive aspects of behaviour and role modelling requirements, children are more likely to repeat appropriate behaviour. When poor behaviour creates a situation where staff or pupils may be endangered, help from others should be sought. Behaviour can be managed when all collaborate to support children to work within boundaries and help them to feel confident in their surroundings. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

A View of the Problems in Washington, D.C., Surrounding the Enforcement of Firearm Limitations

A View of the Problems in Washington, D.C., Surrounding the Enforcement of Firearm Limitations Challenges to local gun restrictions in Washington DC Introduction The district of Columbia law prohibits handgun possession by criminalizing carrying of unregistered firearm and barring the registration of handguns, the law gives a separate provision that an individual shall not carry an unlicensed firearm, however, the law permits the police chief to give 1year licenses, and it is a requirement for the residents to keep legally owned handguns dissembled and unloaded or bound by a trigger lock apparatus. The petitioner Heller, a special D.C police officer sought permission to register a firearm he wanted to keep at home, yet the District declined his application (Blocher, (2008). The petitioner filed this suit pursuing based on the Second Amendment grounds, to include Dc from implementing the ban on firearm registration, the licensing need at the moment bars possessing an unlicensed handgun at home, in addition to the trigger lock device as it disallows functional firearms use at home. The D.C circuit reversed the suit set aside by the District Cou rt holding the view that the Second Amendment gives a person protection to own handguns. More so, the circuit held that the city’s full ban on handguns, in addition to the city’s requisites that firearms held at home should always be dissembled or on trigger lock devices; denied an individual his right to defend himself/herself when in danger Majority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller (2007-2008) The Supreme Court held that the second amendment guarantees a person’s protection to own a firearm as long as the firearm is not related to use of unlawful deeds but for purposes of protection and self defense inside the home. According to the majority ruling delivered by Scalia J, the firearm and trigger-lock apparatus requirement (when applied to self-defense) violates the second amendment act. The entire ban on firearm possession at home by the District is tantamount to the illegalization of different class ownership of ‘arms’’ which Americans unilaterally choose for the legal purpose of self-protection. Under some of the normal scrutiny the court has used applications to enumerated constitutional rights, therefore the ban in the scenario where the value of legal defense of family, property, and self is paramount the ban would fail the constitutional rights agreed (Lee, 2009). Additionally, the need that for every legal firearm held at home the handgun must be dissembled or bound by trigger-lock device makes it absolutely impossible for citizens to use the lawfully held firearms for the primary lawful objective of self-defense and thus making the total ban unconstitutional. In this ruling the Supreme Court considered Heller’s oral acceptance that the District law is allowed when not capriciously or arbitrarily enforced, the bench assumes that a license shall meet his prayer for relief even though licensing need is never addressed. Therefore, assuming the petitioner is not barred from exercising the second amendment rights; the District should allow the petitioner to register his handgun and must provide Heller a license to carry within the home. Being aware of the challenge of firearm violence in the country, and taking seriously the prayers of those that believe the ban on handgun possession is a remedy. The constitution gives the city a range of tools for curbing the menace; this includes a number of measures regulating f irearms (Magarian,2009). A constitutional enshrined right certainly takes particular policy an option off the negotiating table. This option includes the total prohibition of handguns used and possessed for self-defense within the home. Indisputably a number is of the opinion that the second amendment is outdated in a community where the nation’s army is the pride of the nation, and was a very well-trained disciplined force give private security, and a society that gun violence is a menace. According to them, this is arguable; however, what is not arguable of course is this court making the second amendment defunct. Minority opinion District of Columbia v. Heller (2007-2008) The Supreme Court’s dissenting opinion holds that the ruling of giving a fresh constitutional right to possess and the usage of handguns for personal objectives defeats the foregone understanding, yet it provides an uphill task for future litigations seeking definitions for the scope of allowable procedures and regulations. Particularly, the dissenting judgment delivered by Stevens noted that there is no sign that the drafters of the amendment desired to include the common-law right of self –protection as an integral part of the constitution. The minority judge notes that the opinion announced by the court fails to find any new evidence giving support to the view that the amendment was meant congress power to minimize civilian use of weapons. Incapable to give any such findings, the announcement relies on an edgy and unimpressive understanding of the amendments context. With the assumption that majority of citizens are law steadfast, and given the reality that the desir e to protect oneself might suddenly emerge in number of locations other than within the home, the judge in his opinion fears that the city’s policy choice might as well be the first of unidentified number of dominoes to be removed off the table. Conclusion Even though the ruling, in this case, provides a short implication to the formulation of the second amendment, the court focuses at length on other four primary sources: Blackstone’s commentaries on England laws, the Seventeen century English Bill of rights, the post-civil war legislative history, and the post-enactment commentary on the second amendment. The above sources give the slight answer to the bigger question before the court, and thus, in any event, offer small support to the courts conclusion. The majority ruling thus expresses some elements of judicial restraint from the jury.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operational Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Operational Auditing - Essay Example An operational audit is a review of any part of an organization's operating procedures and methods for the purpose of evaluating efficiency and effectiveness. At the completion of an operational audit, management normally expects recommendations for improving operations. An example of an operational audit is evaluating the efficiency and accuracy of processing payroll transactions in a newly installed computer system. Another example, where most accountants would feel less qualified, is evaluating the efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction in processing the distribution of letters and packages by a company such as federal express. Because of the many different areas in which operational effectiveness can be evaluated, it is impossible to characterize the conduct of a typical operational audit. In one organization, the auditor might evaluate the relevancy and sufficiency of the information flow in processing sales. In operational auditing, the reviews are not limited to accounting. They can include the evaluation of organization structure, computer operations, production methods, marketing, and any other area in which the auditor qualified.1 The conduct of an operational audit and the reported results are less easily defined than for either of the other two types of audit.effeciency and effectivene... In addition, establishing criteria for evaluating the information in an operational audit is an extremely subjective matter. In this sense, operational auditing is more like management consulting than what is generally regarded as auditing. Operational Auditing is a non-financial audit that involves a systematic process of evaluating an organization's (or part of an organization's) effectiveness, efficiency, and economy of operations under management's control, and reporting to appropriate persons the results of the evaluation along with recommendations for improvement. Operational auditing focuses on management goals, initiatives and strategic plans to generate innovative solutions for the challenges that face the units and their managers. The process verifies the existence and effectiveness of management controls that are meant to ensure that the unit meets its operating objectives. The scope of the audit is expanded beyond the verification of financial controls or compliance with policies. Operational auditing looks for the existence of management controls (such as leadership, employee empowerment, teamwork, risk assessment, information, communication, resource allocation, productivity measurement, etc.) that support the financial controls in attaining goals set by the units. Desired results of operational audits include discovering innovative solutions, promoting creativity and new ideas, and recommending operational improvements. Effectiveness: Before an operational audit for effectiveness can be performed, there must be specific criteria for what is meant by effectiveness. Effectiveness is the degree to which the organization's objectives are accomplished. An example of an

Why did the global financial system meltdown in 2008 Essay

Why did the global financial system meltdown in 2008 - Essay Example The increase in the number of bad loans led to devaluation of company assets and the benchmark indices plunged as a result of the erosion of investor confidence. This effect spread across other economies of the world. The national production levels, imports and exports lowered which gave rise to reduction of consumption demand. The fall of consumption in the economy again pulled down the productivity levels thereby forming a vicious circle which prompted appropriate actions from policymakers for economic recovery. Overview and key rational concepts:Â  global financial system meltdown and relevant issues of world economy The global financial meltdown that occurred in 2008 had its root in the economic crisis in US. The economic crisis in US started with the crisis in the housing markets of US. The prices of the housing market were steadily increasing during the middle period of the 1980s to 1990s. The investments in the housing market were lucrative as the investors in real estate and housing properties could realize multiple values of their initial investments within a short period of time. The investment funds were borrowed from the banks and financial institutions. The banks and the financial institutions also observed that their loans could earn them interest repayments in short time and the underlying mortgage properties were also of high value in the market. In the plight of higher growth in short span of time, the financial institutions lacked due diligence while assessing the credit parameters of the borrowers. The policies of the US government also influenced such activities in the market as every citizen of US had a fundamental right of holding housing property. This phenomenon led to the formation of a housing bubble. Due to lack of tighter credit policies, the income level of the borrowers and their past credit history were not fully checked. This caused the housing bubble to burst when the borrowers at one point of time were not able to repay the lo ans. The crisis situation occurred when the weight of bad loans increased beyond proportions (Kates, 2011). The financial institutions and the corporate houses which held the housing properties as underlying mortgages incurred heavy losses as a result of the bad investments. The share prices of the companies including big names like the Lehmann Brothers fell and the shareholders’ wealth was eroded in quick time. This led to a huge crisis in the economy of US that created the financial recession in 2008. The economic crisis in US is also referred to as the subprime crisis. The losses that occurred in the housing market is referred to as subprime because this market had a relatively lesser adherence to credit parameters for lending and included borrowers who could not avail loans from the prime house lending market. The economic crisis slowly and gradually spread to other economies as well and the global financial system was hit by the economic crisis (Allen, 1999). This was th e age of economic reforms by developing countries like China, India which led to its integration with the world trade. The international economy was heavily dependent on the exports and imports of the countries all over the world like US, UK, Canada, countries of the European Union, Middle East, China, India, etc. The economic crisis in US led to the fall of consumption demand and productivity in the economy. As a result of this, the exports and imports of the country hampered which in turn affected the imports and exports of other countries all over the globe. Thus the effect of economic crisis melted down to the economies as well

Saturday, July 27, 2019

US History--The US Constitution finely crafted blueprint or unwieldy Essay

US History--The US Constitution finely crafted blueprint or unwieldy compromise - Essay Example The Congress is the legislative branch, the President heads the executive and the judiciary comprises the judicial branch. The US Constitution implements the separation of powers; thereby preventing concentration of power in any particular branch of government. These three branches depend upon each other, for their functioning; and prevent any particular branch from becoming more powerful than the others (U.S.COURTS n.d.). George Washington organized a convention in Philadelphia, in order to draft the Constitution. However, disagreements between the members resulted in a stalemate. At that juncture, Roger Sherman proposed the Great Compromise, whereby, Congress was to comprise of two houses, namely the Senate and the House of Representatives. There was to be equal representation in the Senate for all the states, with two Senators from each state; and the state legislature was to select their representatives. This proposal was accepted by all the states; and representation in the House of Representatives was to be decided on the basis of the population in each state. It was proposed that there would be a representative for every thirty thousand individuals, which was favorable for the states with a large population. This Constitutional Convention was ratified by the delegates in July 1787 (The Great Compromise n.d.). While some of the delegates opposed slavery, others were greatly in its favor. This resulted in a compromise, and such compromises promoted experimentation in self government, which exists even today (Rediscovering George Washington. The Constitution and the Idea of Compromise 2002). However, most of the thirteen larger states were desirous of retaining their power, including their power to impose taxes to raise state funds. Moreover, there was no national conscience among the people at that time, who favored their own states and ignored the nation as a whole. This absence of national spirit

Friday, July 26, 2019

Integrated Campaign Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Integrated Campaign Strategy - Essay Example In the car market, businesses face stiff competition, since every product has to match the current tastes and preferences of the consumer. Similarly, different classes of and demographically varying groups will exhibit different wants; thus, the product needs customization to reach the various consumer groups effectively and efficiently. The following defines a brief protocol that Zamda Motors could use to competitively, sell the new â€Å"2.2†two seater car to the youths. Zamda motors started manufacturing vehicles in the year, 1970. Since then, the company has little pride to show from the market, due to stiff competition. The company meets competition from fellow Japanese companies, for example, Toyota, and Honda. The competitors have large market share following tremendous growth over the period they survived in the market. Toyota and Honda draw customers closer due to the satisfaction that their products offer. Therefore, Zamda Company needs to analyze the features that e nable competitors to rule in the market and strategically define and acquire a profitable market share. The company must decide to increase features to the model it wishes to introduce in the market. Therefore, Zamda decides to penetrate the market with the current two seater sporty model, which will lure youths into the buying process. The outreach targets precisely, male and females ranking at the ages of 22 to 34. The company elaborates on the fuel effectiveness of the car thus drawing a consideration that, the customers’ expenditure patterns do not increase in relation to maintenance of the purchase. Zamda Motor Company will identify the target customer, and persuade them to place purchases following the outstanding features installed in the vehicle model. The â€Å"2.2† car model is one of the best cars in the current American market relating to the dynamic change that is forcing consumers to seek comfort, driving experience, and sense belonging to a certain group of the society. The company is targeting the needs of the American youths in all genders, to offer satisfaction. Zamda Company assures the customers that the vehicle model targets to suit their needs satisfactorily. The company defines the car’s features as sporty, fuel efficiency, durability, considerable price, and modernized to the current technologies. Zamda states clearly that this is the only model that delivers satisfaction to the current needs above the vehicles offered by rival companies. The company’s researchers reveal that, many youths in America seek to own new cars, but financial capabilities deprive them of the opportunity. The company further derives information that, most of the available cars enter the American market with considerably higher prices such that, the willing buyer lacks the ability to place an order. Zamda identifies that, despite the history of competitors, most of them target the rich customers, aging, and adults at the age of 35 year s. Therefore, the youths who also seek driving experiences to acquire comfort tend to remain unattended to despite the fact that they constitute to the better portion of the population. To that extent, the company seeks to satisfy this market segment, which lacks consideration from other key players. The company identified that, most of the youths at the ages of 22

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HRM individual assignment performance management Essay

HRM individual assignment performance management - Essay Example "Corporate Services/Corporate Capability service"- provides solutions such as management of records, facilitation management, carry out the work procedures and policies documentation, develops plans for purchasing and procurement. "Human Resources service"- handles the matters like fraud, grievances and misconduct handling, job designing and evaluating. They take into account Performance management, provide psychometric assessment and sets remuneration benchmarking. It also includes providing a complete strategic human resource management and planning. "Organisational Services"- assist in reviewing the business process, changing the management and bringing the organisational change. Thus they provide a complete solution for business and strategic planning. This service also covers risk management. Recruitment & Selection- the company maintains high standards for recruitment and selection process. They go for different screening technique such as personality test, intelligent quiescent, emotional quiescent, stress test, health test and checking the references. These entire tests are being done to check before hand that will the work force be able to take the work load. Training- the employees who are selected has to be trained so that they can develop the required skill for performing their job. Training is a continuous process. It should be provided as and when required for development of employees. Setting rules and regulation- rules and regulation provide the frame work within which the whole organization has to work. The performance of employee is appraised by comparing against these standards. They make the organization work smoothly and efficiently. Performance appraisal- the performance of the employees has to be appraised. This helps the organization to identify the employees who are performing above average and also helps to identify those employees whose performances are below average level. The management can drill down to find out the reasons behind. If required training and further assistance can be arranged. Career development - management should set the career path and provide proper training as and when required Grievance handling- it is the duty of organization that employee should feel satisfied with their job. They should have the feeling that organization cares for them and if any injustice happens they can easily approach the management and their problem will be solved. Compensation- the management should take care that each employee should be paid as per his/her performance. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Differentiating Between Market Structures Coursework

Differentiating Between Market Structures - Coursework Example In such context, fast food outlets will be the best place to grab a precooked burger and a hot beverage for the morning meal. With increasing consumption of fast food, America is experiencing substantial growth in the industry. Market statistics indicate that this industry is likely to experience a boost; hence its future prospects seem promising. Organizations in the Fast Food Industry In practical context, examples of established organizations within the fast food industry include McDonalds, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken, among other companies. Within the essay, we will focus on Kentucky Fried Chicken, which features as one of the most successful business franchise in the world. Kentucky entered the industry, upon which it established itself as an icon in preparation and sale of chicken products and other fast food items. It is known for its finger licking chicken and attracts a wide range of consumers into its outlets worldwide. Currently, the organization has franchises located in different geographical regions including China and Indian markets. With current increase in fast food consumption, Kentucky Fried Chicken is repositioning itself in the global market in order to reap maximum benefits. Within the American market and beyond, Kentucky is tied with other established fast food giants like McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King. ... r of buyers and sellers, level of competition, prospects of market entry and range of products and services offered to consumers within a given market segment. Based on these attributes, the four basic market structures include perfect competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and monopoly. Kentucky Fried chicken operates its business within a perfect competition environment. Characteristics of Perfect Competition From a theoretical perspective, perfect competition is sometimes referred to as pure competition. In ideal situation, pure competition is characterized by presence of numerous sellers all offering identical products and services to potential consumers. Because all products and services offered are identical, then each seller enjoys a proportionate share of the market. According to Colander (2010), prices within such a market are not determined by a single seller. Rather, price elasticity of demand is attributed to consumer preference based on merit of product and ser vice offered by a given seller. Consequently, price of goods tend to be stable since no single seller had the economic influence to induce price dynamics. In this regard, consumers are protected from illegal pricing techniques since all sellers shall have to adhere to prevailing market regulations created by competition. In actual sense, perfect competition may not exist as ideally portrayed in theoretical constructs. However, typical characteristics of firms in practical business settings will place each organization under one of the market structures mentioned above. Marketing Structure of Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken operates within an environment with infinite number of product sellers. Currently, there are thousands of fast food outlets across the world. Some of these

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cin the Aztec Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cin the Aztec Civilization - Essay Example Much of what has long thought to be true about the long-lost Aztec empire, including their sacrificial rituals involving cannibalistic practices, traces back to the information compiled by a Franciscan monk named Bernardino de Sahagun. Sahagun's work, the Florentine Codex, was a detailed accounting of the cultural beliefs and practices of the Aztec people, designed primarily for the purpose of instructing other Christian missionaries in how best to facilitate the conversion of the indigenous tribes to Christianity. It is certainly interesting, of course, if not necessarily truly ironic that the one of the fundamental doctrines of Catholicism is transubstantiation, or the consumption of bread and wine that has been transformed into the actual flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. An argument can therefore be made that the religious conversion of the Aztecs was ignited in part due to their practices of human sacrifice and cannibalism was instructed by Europeans who themselves practiced a fo rm of cannibalism and whose entire religion is based on the necessity of a human sacrifice. Almost everything that is known about Aztec human sacrifices and cannibalistic practices is, therefore, filt... s have been forwarded to offer an alternative to Sahagun's original observations of Aztec rituals that had been distorted following the original publication due to misinterpretations, exaggeration and the natural human desire to simplify actions one has trouble understanding. Although the Aztec civilization was deemed to be a violent one, the Europeans were themselves no stranger to violence, therefore it was the human sacrifice more than anything else that assaulted their sensibilities. Perhaps s this assault was intensified by the justification and rationale of the natives that it was done in the name of religion. Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec god of the sun, viewed as the source of all life. The Aztecs believed that this source must be kept moving in order to keep it from disappearing forever into the darkness of night and so to accomplish this (Alves 43). The way to accomplish this task had to do with the belief that the sun needed to be nourished with blood; as a result, human sacrifice was a necessary ingredient for prolonging the existence of all humankind. In fact, there is an eschatological element to the ritual in that the Aztecs believed that appeasing their gods not only ensured life, but also staved off chaos. "In most cases, the victim was dressed, painted and ornamented so as to represent the god who was being worshipped; and thus it was the god himself who died before his own image and in his own temple, just as all the gods had accepted death in the first days for the salvation of the world. And when ritual cannibalism was practiced on certain occasions, it was the god's own fl esh that the faithful ate in their bloody communion" (Soustelle 98). Therefore, it was probably not necessarily the idea of consuming a human heart that so perturbed

Anne the Bag Lady Essay Example for Free

Anne the Bag Lady Essay Anne the Bag Lady Every afternoon you can count on seeing Anne right at one oclock at the park, pushing her grocery cart full of her treasures. A cart overflowing with heavy-duty black garbage bags as well as an array of duffels and suitcases. The black garbage bag an ambiguous container the contents within cannot be seen or known. As she pushes her cart, the constant rattling of a wheel competes with the clanging of aluminum cans that she collects hanging in a bag on the side of her cart. Anne roceeds to her bench, constantly aware of everyone around her, but never making eye contact. She arranges herself at her bench under the old oak tree, not far from the playground. She places her cart so it is never out of her line of vision. Her eyes are constantly moving looking, watching darting likes that of a small animal sensing danger. Anne begins to eat her regular sandwich, ham and cheese on wheat that she gets from Father Tim at the local Catholic Church. As she eats her sandwich, you otice how grimy her hands are hands she had Just used digging in garbage cans for her precious aluminum. Today Anne is wearing her best dirt caked Jacket, once a bright Kerry green, now a faded sickly green, with a tear on the sleeve. Her mousy blonde wig that once may have been styled in an attractive shoulder length bob; now a tangled, grimy mess. Do you know how hard it is to get a wig to keep its shape when you carry it around in a plastic bag? Anne has put on her newest shoes, old tan olored work shoes one without laces. Her dress looked like the old flowered snap front cotton house coats, my grandmother used to wear around the house. Hers is worn, dirty and the color is faded beyond all recognition, peeking out from under the hem of her dress is an old black slip, the lace at the bottom torn. Anne is wearing stockings that go to her knees held up by some kind of yarn or string. Over her stockings she is wearing socks that are used and worn the color again impossible to know. Anne always sits alone, a solitary fgure, watching, looking, wary. She very rarely speaks to anyone except for maybe Father Tim; even then short, cryptic remarks. She is rather small in stature, not more than five feet, two or three, bent and the shoulders from age. Anne does not look fragile or tiny maybe old and rigid, but never fragile. Anne has been a part of this community for as long as can be remembered, almost a historical monument. She is a part of the community that most do not notice, but seems to miss when is not there.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Behaving Brain Essay Example for Free

The Behaving Brain Essay The Video begins by explaining what we learned in class on Thursday about how the brain is made up of and how it works. It explained that a message will travel down axon then the message travels into the dendrites that release the message into the synapse. The brain becomes the most complex thing in the universe because it controls so many different things in the human body. It regulates our metabolism, temperature and respiration. It also enables us to learn, remember and decide. The video then moved on to talking about a new breed of scientists called neuroscientists. They are guided my the assumption that everything in the brain can be explained by biological or chemical events taking place within it either through out the entire brain or a region within. It went on to explain certain parts of the brain such as the brain stem, which controls life support in the body. The cerebellum that controls body movement and the limbic system which maintains the bodies inside workings and controls emotions. Ways of approaching the study of the brain is with brain imaging, which can provide researchers with actual pictures of the brains inner workings. The best way to study the brain is to record the brains electrical activity using a EEG machine. E. Roy John practices neurometrics. A way of recorded electrical activity of a patient and comparing it with a recording of normal brain activity. It enables you to see if any certain person has a mental or emotional disease such as depression or alcoholism. Some researchers study the brain chemically. Joseph Martinez focuses on chemicals that promote learning and memory. He tries to coax the brain to remember or in some cases forget things by introducing certain chemicals into the body. This research is being practiced in search for a cure for Alzheimers disease. The last section of the video was on a study of patients with Amnesia. Mieke Vertaellie works with patients in helping them recover and build new memories of which have been forgotten . Her patients are given word to remember to the best of there ability then try to recite what words they remembered. Patients with Amnesia usually can remember memories or information 10 years back but are unable to remember anything more recent. I found the research experiment Joseph Martinez was using with rats to be very interesting. Training a rat in maze to find food by following a certain track in the maze. After the rat had been trained to find the food Martinez introducing a chemical causing the rat to forget its training and wasnt able to find the food. I thought that was a great step in finding a cure for Alzheimers disease. But understanding the brain seems to be an ongoing and maybe never ending search to understand it. Its amazing to think a brain weighing 3 lbs is capable of being able to know more than any computer is a big thought to wrap your head around. I found the most interesting research in the video to be the chemical research. So much can be controlled with the chemicals in the brain. pain, happiness, depression, motor control is all controlled by the brain. Introducing more or less of a neurotransmitter can benefit humans in hundreds of ways.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Zeus Robotic Surgical System Information Technology Essay

Zeus Robotic Surgical System Information Technology Essay Robots are ubiquitous today. They are found in our cars, in our houses, in our industries inside buildings and to places we neglect to notice. We trust robots to do everyday chores for us either by knowing directly or indirectly. Robots are becoming part of our lives and we have all accepted it. Today technology has advanced so that it allows for innovative robotic systems to be inserted in the medical field. New materials, ideas and technological advancements bring robotics into medicine. Robotics in medicine entails many advantages and benefits for both the doctors and the patients. But there are also some limitations in robotic surgery that cause doubt and uncertainty to people. However, as it happens with every new technological development, people need time to become familiar with it, to accept it and finally trust it. So the question is if the world is ready to accept and trust robots in health and more specifically in surgery. There will be people who are pioneers and enjoy trying something new, people who are skeptical and need to know everything about it before agreeing and people who will be afraid no matter how much proof theyre given. There cannot be an abrupt transition from classical surgeries without robots to surgeries all aided with robots. Gradually, the surgeries aided with robots will increase as peoples experience and trust increases. IT Background History of robotics Most of us when we hear the word robot we think of science fiction movies showing robots of the future, performing outstanding tasks. In fact, most of these robots seen are now everyday reality making our lives more convenient. One definition that could be given to a robot is a reprogrammable multi-functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.  [1]   Robotics is the engineering science and technology of robots, their design, manufacturing, and applications. It is related to electronics, mechanics, and software. Robots could not be manufactured until the 1960s when transistors and integrated circuits were invented. Compact, reliable electronics and a growing computer industry added intellect to the power of already existing machines. In 1959, researchers demonstrated the possibility of robotic manufacturing when they disclosed a computer-controlled milling machine.  [2]   Unimate Robot picks up and puts down parts in General Electric Factory. The first digitally operated and programmable robot, the Unimate, was installed in 1961 to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and pile them.  [3]   Commercial and industrial robots are ubiquitous in performing jobs better, cheaper, more accurately and reliably than humans. They are also found in jobs that are too hazardous, dirty or tedious for humans.  [4]   Robotics in surgery  [5]   Robotics in medicine is a fairly new, yet advancing field. It is now introduced in medicine, in the field of surgery as it allows for exceptional control and precision of surgical devices in minimally invasive procedures. Robotic surgery has as its main goal to design robots that will be able to be used in performing closed-chest, beating-heart surgery in collaboration with the surgeons. Surgery using the Da Vinci robot numerous surgical robots have been adopted by many operating rooms all over the world. Surgical robots are not actually autonomous surgeons capable of performing assignments on their own, but a helping assistant of the surgeons. A number of commercial corporations have been founded in order to create surgical robotic systems. Computer Motion, Inc. developed the AESOP Endoscope Positioner: a voice-activated robotic system for endoscopic surgery. In January 1999, Intuitive launched the DaVinci Surgical System, which is classified as a master-slave surgical system as it uses true 3-D visualization. In 2001 Computer Motion, Inc built the SOCRATES Robotic Telecollaboration System as well. It includes integrated telecommunication equipment along with the robotic devices in order to provide remote surgical telecollaboration. Computer Motion merged with Intuitive Surgical, Inc., in June of 2003. They introduced the ZEUS Surgical System. Robotic Surgery Systems Robotic surgery systems are divided into three types: supervisory-controlled systems, shared-control systems and telesurgical systems. These systems differ in the sense that in each case there is a different degree of involvement of the surgeon. In some cases, the operation is carried out by the robotic system with a minimal intervention of the doctor. In other cases, the surgery is performed by the doctor with the help of the robotic system. Supervisory-controlled systems  [6]   Surgeon demonstrates a robotic surgery system at the Montefiore Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery in New York City. Supervisory-controlled systems are the most automated systems of all. But they still need the guidance of the surgeon and an extensive preparation before the initiation of the surgery. The surgeon inputs information and programs the robotic system to follow certain instructions. However, once these robots have been programmed, and start operating there is no option for adjustments and thats why the surgeon must keep a close watch of the surgery in the need of intervention. As it is known, not all people have the same body structure and so it is not possible to have standard instructions for the robot to follow. This is done in three stages: planning, registration and navigation. In the planning stage, the surgeon captures images of the patients body. As soon as the surgeon has imaged the patient, he must determine the path that the robot will take to operate. The next stage is registration, in which the surgeon links the images obtained before with points on the patients body. In order for the surgery to be completed successfully, the points must be positioned precisely according to the patients body. The final stage is navigation, which is the actual surgery. In this stage the surgeon places the patient and the robot so as the movements of the robotic system to follow the programmed instructions. When all preparations are complete, the robot is activated and the surgery is carried out. Shared-control robotic systems  [7]   Shared-control robotic systems are a helping hand for the surgeons. The operation is carried out only by the surgeon who uses the robotic system manually in order to have greater efficiency. The robotic system monitors the surgeons actions during the operation and provides support and stability by active constraint.7 Active constraint is the process of labelling regions of the patients body with one of the four possibilities: safe, close, boundary and forbidden. Surgeons label safe regions the regions that are appropriate for the robot to be and to operate. For instance, a close region can be found in orthopaedic surgery in orthopaedic surgery, near the soft tissues. Many orthopaedic surgery tools can damage the soft tissue and so the robot limits the area that the surgery is safe to take place. This is done using haptic technology  [8]  , which is the science and physiology of the sense of touch. This means that as the surgeon approaches the boundary region he will start feeling a resistive force and as he proceeds to the forbidden region the force is getting larger and once he enters the forbidden region the robotic system stops operating immediately. But in order for the robotic system to know which are those regions, the surgeon must program it first as it is done with the supervisory controlled systems. Telesurgical systems  [9]   Telesurgery is a field of telemedicine that was developed in recent years and holds great interest. Today it can be seen as a two way transmission of picture and sound, allowing the communication between surgeons of little experience and surgeons of great experience to cooperate no matter the distance separating them. Also it is understood, this technology needs highly advanced software in order for the simulation to be feasible in the remote surgery room. For this purpose, systems of virtual reality are required that allow the surgeons that are in a different room or city or country to have an actual image of the operating room and of the procedure. Robots with camera will provide a better quality of the images as they will be in colour and enlarged. Da Vinci Surgical System  [10]   The Da Vinci Robot is probably one of the most well-known robotic surgery systems in the world. It is a robotic system that is used in minimally invasive surgery, which means that the robot makes a petite aperture in the patients body that brings many positive results. Da Vinci Surgical Robot services/robotics/specialties.html During the surgery, the surgeon sits in a console inside the operating room and handles the surgical tools of the robot. After the patient has been anaesthetized, three apertures are made on the patients body allowing the rods to enter. On the screen the surgeon observes the 3D image that the camera is transmitting through the patients body and which is handled by joysticks. The camera sees every movement of the robot and can be activated or deactivated any time from a button.  [11]  Every surgical arm is connected with a surgical tool and there is camera in the end of the main arm. One of the rods has a camera on it while the others have surgical tools able to cut, remove or stitch the tissues. The robotic system uses the same stitches and materials used in the traditional surgery. The surgeon can bend and rotate the arms like the human wrist guaranteeing increased percentage of success and important benefits much for the patient as for the surgeon. The Da Vinci robotic system includes a lenses system of three-dimensional view, which can make the surgical field as 15 times larger. Also, the camera allows the surgeon to go closer at the point of surgery than the human vision can and so the surgeon can perform the operation in a smaller scale than the conventional surgery allows. Zeus Robotic Surgical System  [12]   The robotic surgical system Zeus was the first system to be used in 1999 to perform the first full endoscopic robotic surgery bypass with a beating heart. It consists of three basic parts: An ergonomic control console the central control computer Robotic arms, which move with the movement of the surgeons hand. Zeus Robotic Surgical System The surgeon sits comfortably in the surgical seat and handles the tools that are placed inside the patient. After the surgeons movements have been digitalized they are filtered, thinned and transmitted to the computers control station, which transfers those movements through an electromechanical interface to the robotic arms and to the tools. In addition, Zeus robotic system enhances the optical field of the surgery by enlarging it and also with the help of AESOP robotic system the surgeons hands are free to handle the surgical tools. AESOP Robotic Surgical System  [13]   AESOP Robotic surgical system was developed by Computer Motion Inc. The period when it first came out, the surgeon could control the robotic arm remotely, manually or with a foot pedal but the most recent edition of AESOP 3000 is controlled with voice commands. AESOP Robotic surgical system The robotic arm contains and moves a camera which is used in MIS surgeries for the observation of the surgical field. The camera is placed at the edge of the robotic arm and is inserted in the patients body through an aperture of about 2cm. The robotic system AESOP is the surgeons third arm. By using simple commands such as AESOP, move up or AESOP, move left, the surgeon tells the robot to move the camera as he wishes. Every surgeon records his voice and has a voice card that is inserted into the system whenever he operates, in order for the robot to identify the commands. Usually the system works well. The robot may sometimes not recognize the tone of the voice of the surgeon is different from the recorded voice. But there is a support system with which the surgeon can handle manually if something like this happens. SOCRATES Telecollaboration System  [14]   Socrates telecollaboration system was the first system to be approved (October 2001) for the new-founded category telesurgery robotic systems. It consists of advanced telecommunication equipment that is connected with medical devices and robotic systems. The system gives the surgeon who is at a remote location the opportunity to work with another surgeon who may be in an operating room across the globe. The system provides real time view of the surgery. In collaboration with Zeus robotic system, Socrates is the first fundamental step that marks the start of minimally invasive telesurgery. In 2001 Socrates robot along with Zeus robotic system performed the first translantic surgery. On September 7th, 2001 a group of surgeons in New York performed a cholecystectomy surgery on a patient located in France with the help of doctors that were there. The console and the robot were connected with fiber optic wires. This surgery was first tested on six pigs.That was the first complete telesurg ical process that was performed by surgeons 7000 away from their patient. The patient left the hospital 48 hours after the operation and returned to his social activities a week later. Advantages and Limitations  [15]   Advantages The advantages of robotic surgery are listed below: Tinniest incisions result in: Faster recovery Shorter hospital stay and reduced costs Less pain and fear Less blood loss Cosmetic benefit Reduced risk of infection or complications Less anesthesia required Better sterilization Robot immune to radiation and infections. No muscle tremor or fatigue. Elimination of need for personnel resulting in lower costs for the hospitals. Shorter return to everyday activities(1-2 weeks) Telesurgery: The ability to perform surgery from a different operating room. A 3D camera provides an enhanced view. Robots reach places that surgeons alone couldnt before. Can be designed for a wide range of scales. Surgeons dont get tired quickly as theyre seated and have less eye strain and they have the ability to control their natural flinching or nerves more effectively. Limitations However some of its disadvantages and concerns are: Robotic systems have highly complex software and it is very difficult to program and debug them. Costs including the robotic systems ($750.000-$1 million), the maintenance and the training of surgeons are considerably high. Since the need of personnel will be minimized, some surgeons will be left unemployed. Telesurgery is based by a large percentage on the transmission of information between two locations. The more the distance between the two locations the more the time delay is inserted. This increased the period between the action and the result and after a certain point this makes surgery impossible in real time. Synchronization during telesurgery is very critical and is not easy to attain. Telesurgery is highly dependent on the security and reliability of the network. Robotic Surgery in Greece  [16]   The first robotic navigation system used in a surgery procedure in Greece is the Vector Vision II system in Ygeia (see hospital in Athens. In February 2003 the robotic surgical system Aesop 1000 was used to perform the first laparoscopic operation in the General Hospital of Crete, Greece. Aesop 1000 is being improved in the labs of University of Crete and will be released as Aesop 2000 and Aesop 3000 and soon is expected to be used in more complex operations and surgeries. In addition, the school of medicine in the University of Athens offers advanced courses on robotic surgery. The course aims to teach basic robotic surgery skills such as instrument manipulation, camera control among others. This is done using the Da Vinci surgical system.  [17]   In November 8th,2006 the opening day of the Da Vinci robotic system took place in the Athens Medical Center Hospital. The president of the Hellenic Scientific Robotic Surgical Association Prof. K. Konstantinidis explained the fundamental principles of the Da Vinci robot to Greek ministers and the establishment of the Hellenic Scientific Society of Robotic Surgery. The first total hysterectomy in Greece was successfully carried out with the latest-generation Da Vinci Robotic Surgery System at the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Centre of Athens HYGEIA. the operation was broadcasted in real time during the daily conference held at the Hospital on Tuesday, July 1st 2008, titled Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology.  [18]   Survey analysis A survey was conducted during October and November 2009 in Athens about robotic surgery, in which 73 people answered (ages 14-50). The survey included a questionnaire and it was distributed by email. Robotic surgery in Greece is in its infancy so it is quite reasonable to see that 72% of the people asked knew nothing about robotic surgery. Social Concerns Safety Safety is the prime concern of patients and doctors. People today have trouble trusting robotic devices in general and in the case of their healthcare the issue of trust is intensified. First of all, there is always the possibility of errors happening as total safety is a fallacy. Robots are programmed by humans who in turn are not infallible and are prone to make mistakes. In the case of robotic surgery a fault could have serious health injuries or death. Thus, the probability of errors must be kept at a very low level and in the case of a malfunction the system must be programmed to shut down immediately. Afterwards, the surgeon will have to take over complete the operation manually. So, it is obvious that the presence of a human doctor is mandatory and critical. There are many things that can go wrong which experts must take under serious consideration. Some problems resulting in system failures can be flawed design of the system, malfunction of software and hardware  [19]  or misinterpretation and inadequate specification. In order to eliminate the possibility of errors, mechanics must undergo heavy testing and reasoning about infinite scenarios. Also surgeons must prepare the robotic system cautiously so as not to forget anything which can backfire. They also need to have contingency plans like converting the robotic surgery to open surgery.  [20]   The increased testing and reasoning is time-consuming and usually involves high costs. Even though safety is a big issue, 41% of the people asked would go through a robotic surgery. This can be considered a good percentage as 65% of the people asked believed that robotic surgery is safe and reliable. Reliability and knowledge Nowadays most people dont trust robots very easily. The reason for this is the lack of information and the fear that these robots/machines can harm them in a physical level or in a professional level. As it can be seen from the figure above 88% of the people asked have heard of robotic surgery but 56% of the people asked claimed to know very little about it. As it is stressed in a website about robotic surgery, and prostate cancer surgery in particular, most people worry about the side effects it could have on them such as sexual dysfunction and impotence.  [21]  Another concern was the fear of the robotic system and the probability of errors, but most people do a little research before resorting to robotic surgery. This way they minimize their worries and concerns. However, there still are people who despite the evidence dont trust robots with their health. Therefore, robotic surgery needs time to become known and trusted by the people. This percentage of 56% must be minimized and increase the percentage of knowledge. In the future, as robotic surgery will start being implemented into hospitals, there will be many surgeries done, successful or not, which will enhance robotic surgery by correcting the errors, the failures and any problem that may arise. This way, patients who had successful operations will spread the word and people will become more aware and acquainted with this new technological development. Elevating concerns, resolving problems Robotics in surgery is a great helping tool, which holds many benefits and advantages for the surgeons and the patients. However, since it is still at an early stage of development there are problems in need for resolutions. One great concern is the reliability and safety in delicate surgical procedures. We cannot deny that machines are made from humans, who are not infallible and thus tend to make mistakes. Whether the surgery is done by a plethora of surgeons or by a single surgeon and a robot there is definitely the possibility of error. As with every new technology, people need time to get familiar with it and to start trusting it. Thus robotic-aided surgery just needs time to advance and to become more well-known. People who go through robotic surgery procedures will spread the good news. The media will start making more coverage of the issue as they learn about more cases. As mentioned by many patients in the Da Vinci website, they were very pleased with the surgery and the recovery time which proved to be shorter than expected.  [22]   Furthermore, the training of surgeons may take a while but it does not compare having to do a 6-hour surgery above the patient, getting tired and stressed with a 4-hour surgery sitting in the robotic device some metres away from the patient. The surgeon will tire less and will finish the surgery in less time. As far as the costs are concerned, patients in the Da Vince website did not worry about the costs so much because they were dealings with their health. And most people will do anything for their well-being.  [23]   Future Robotic surgery has made quite a progress and development but it still has a long way to go. Many obstacles will be dealt with time and undoubtedly some new concerns may appear. Questions such as malpractice liability, credentialing, training requirements and license granting will have to be resolved in the future. Most people on the survey (49% to be exact) answered that robots could have negative implications on employment as robots will do most of the work that humans currently do and many of related jobs will be reduced. However, as mentioned in the advantages chapter, new fields are inserted into robotic surgery such as telemedicine, which shows that new needs for personnel emerge. Also it is quite interesting to note how the people asked are divided into three groups based on their answers concerning robotic surgeries in the future: There is a 64% of the people asked who have a positive outlook on robotic surgeries in the future and a 36% who are quite intimidated and afraid of this potential change. Part of this comes from the lack of information about robotic surgery and from the fact that it is still in an early stage. As far as robotic surgery is concerned, there is much to be done until it can reach its full potential. Even though, these robotic systems have enhanced dexterity significantly, they still need to advance the full potential in instrumentation or to integrate the full range of sensory input. Most people when hear about robotics, they think of automation. The possibility of automating some tasks is both exciting and controversial. Future systems might entail the ability for a surgeon to program the surgery and merely supervise as the robot performs most of the tasks. The possibilities for improvement and advancement are only limited by imagination and cost. Conclusion Robotic surgery may be at an early stage, but that does not mean that it has not demonstrated its potential and significance, particularly in areas previously inaccessible by traditional procedures. However, it still remains to be seen if robotic surgery will replace completely conventional instruments in less technically demanding procedures. Robotic technology will bring major changes in surgery by enhancing and expanding laparoscopic procedures, advancing surgical technology and thus bringing surgery into the digital age. Not to mention, it possesses the potential to expand surgical treatment beyond the limits of human ability. The benefits of robotic surgery outweigh the costs. Bibliography Online (World Wide Web) Sources Pearl Tesler, Universal Robots: The history and workings of robots, 10 October 2009 Wikipedia, Robotics,16 July 2009 History of robotic surgery, Overview of Major Surgical Robotic Systems and Companies,17 July 2009 William Harris, How Haptic Technology Works, 4 September 2009 Youtube, Robotic surgery demonstration, July 24, 2007, 7 September 2009 Youtube, Robotic Surgery, April 05, 2007,15 September 2009 Youtube, Robotic Heart Surgery, February 12, 2007, 19 September 2009 Youtube, Robotic Heart Surgery Allen Raczkowski, MD, February 03, 2009, 25 September 2009 Robotic Surgery in Greece,22 April 2009,8 October 2009 Robotic Surgery, Simulation assisted training in Robotic Surgery,15 January 2010 Robotic Surgery ROBOTIC SURGERY IN TELEMEDICINE HYGEIA S.A.: The first total hysterectomy in Greece with the da Vinci  ® S Robotic System,1 July 2008,20 January 2010 Robotic Surgery blog, Robotic reliability, 2 March 2007,17 January 2010 Da Vinci Surgery, Patient Stories, 25 January 2010 Works-research papers ΆÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ­Ãƒ Ã†â€™Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± ÃŽÃŽÂ ¹Ãƒ Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦,ÃŽÂ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¬ ÃŽÃŽÂ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¬ ÃŽÂ £Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ Ã†â€™Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ®ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± (da Vinci, Ze ,Hermes). ÃŽÂ  Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ²ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ®ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± ÃŽÂ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ à Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ­Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡.( Despoina Xisaroglou ,Robotic Surgical Systems, Problems and perspectives (accessed July 23rd,2009) Caroline GL Cao Gary Rogers, Tufts University, Robotics in healthcare, (accessed June 12th ,2009) Sunitha M.V, Robotic surgery, seminar report, August 2008 (accessed July 10th, 2009) ÃŽâ€Å"ÃŽÂ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ ΑΠ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡(Grinis Athanasios), ÃŽÂ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ Ã¢â€š ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ · à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ® (robotic surgery) (accessed September 13th,2009)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Multiple Sclerosis Essay -- Diseases, Disorders

Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, is one of humankind’s most mysterious diseases. No one knows the exact cause and there is no exact treatment. Still multiple sclerosis has the ability to affect nearly 3 million people worldwide and at least 500,000 people in the United States (Boroch). This disease tends to be more common in individuals of northern European descent and women are more than twice as likely to develop multiple sclerosis as men. Of those 3 million people, most of them are between the ages of 20 and 50 years old (Dangond). Even though multiple sclerosis is a mystery disease, scientists are working to determine the exact cause and treatment. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that involves the different areas of the central nervous system, CNS- the brain and spinal cord (Dangond). Within the central nervous system there are cells that are covered with a protective myelin. In people with MS, the myelin sheaths around the cells begin to deteriorate and the nerve fibers, also known as axons, which are normally protected by the myelin, end up being destroyed (Boroch). After a while scar tissue is replaced where the myelin breaks down, hence the name multiple sclerosis or many scars (Boroch).When the nerve fibers are destroyed they begin to lose their ability to conduct signals and communicate with the other neighboring nerve cells. Without this ability, the nerve cells that make up the central nervous system cannot communicate with the rest of the body (Blackstone). The loss or slow down of these signals impairs such functions like vision, strength, and coordination. Scientists don’t clearly know what causes the damage to the nerve cells, but they believe that it might be caused by confusion in an individua... ... (Stauffer). The good news is that technology has thrived over the years and scientists are trying to determine new treatments every day. It won’t be long till there is a known cause and a successful treatment. It is important that people who are affected with multiple sclerosis don’t give up because a cure will come. Works Cited Blackstone, Margaret. The First Year--multiple Sclerosis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed. 2nd ed. New York: Marlowe, 2007. Print. Boroch, Ann. Healing Multiple Sclerosis: Diet, Detox & Nutritional Makeover for Total Recovery. Los Angeles: Quintessential Healing,, 2007. Print. Dangond, MD, Fernando. "" MedicineNet. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. . Stauffer, Melissa. Understanding Multiple Sclerosis. Jackson: University of Mississippi, 2006. Print.

Leaders and Businessmen of the Victorian Era Essay examples -- Victori

Uneducated Gentlemen: The Leaders and Businessmen of the Victorian Era Changing Intentions of Public Education The public education system in Victorian England was originally intended for the education of the poorer working classes, and the training of clergy (Landow, par. 2). The children of the upper classes were often educated at home by private tutors, and therefore it was assumed the public schools would be a place for members of the lower classes. Despite the original intentions of public education, the schools eventually became a primary means of helping to elevate the status of the middle classes. In fact, rather than being primarily concerned with the imparting of knowledge, â€Å"the whole educational process was designed to mold the student into a young Christian Gentleman† (Everett, par. 2). The middle and upper classes wanted to keep children of the working classes from being educated, perhaps as a means of social control, and thus according to Eric Hobsbawm, in 1897 less than 7% of academic secondary school students were members of the working class (qtd. in Landow, pa...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grapes Of Wrath - Characterization :: John Steinbeck and Robert Demott

Evidence/ Quotations from the Text: "Winfield was breathless in his telling. 'So then they fit, an' that big girl hit Ruthie a good one, an' Ruthie said her brother'd kill that big girl's brother. An' then- an' then, Ruthie said our brother already kil't two fellas. An'- an' that big girl said, 'Oh yeah! You're jus' a litlle smarty liar.' An' Ruthie said, 'Oh yeah? Well, our brother's a- hiding right now from killin' a fella, an' he can kill that big girl's brother too" (456). "Muley continued, 'Well, sir, it's a funny thing. Somepin went an' happened to me when they tol' me I had to get off the place. .. Then all my folks all went away out west. An' I got wanderin' aroun'. Jus' walkin' aroun'. Never went far. Slep' where I was... I'd tell myself, 'I'm lookin' after things so when all the folks come back it'll be all right.' But I knowed that wan't true. There ain't nothin' to look after. The folks ain't never comin' back. I'm jus' wanderin' aroun' like a damn ol' graveyard ghos" (54). Analysis/ Commentary: At the camp, Ruthie becomes engaged in an argument that leads to serious consequences. In an effort to preserve her Cracker Jacks, she threatens to call upon her brother, who has killed two men and is now in hiding. Ruthie's revelation endangers Tom and forces him to abandon both his hideout and family. Ma, whose primary goal has been to keep the family together, must bid another painful farewell. Through his speech, Muley reveals that he is stubborn and refuses to accept the fact that things have changed. His home has been seized, and his family migrated to California, but he refuses to leave the land. Muley roams the countryside alone, sleeping and eating like a wild animal. Evidence/ Quotations from the Text "John shook his head. "No. Go on. Ain't goin'. Gonna res' here. No good goin' back. No good to nobody-jus' a draggin' my sins like dirty drawers 'mongst nice folks. No. Ain't goin'....Go ri' 'long. I ain't no good. I ain't no good. Jus' a-draggin' my sins, a-dirtyin' ever'body." (305). "For a minute Rose of Sharon sat still in the whispering barn. Then she hoisted her tired body up and drew the comfort about her. She moved slowly to the corner and stood looking down at the wasted face, into the wide, frightened eyes. Then slowly she lay down beside him. Grapes Of Wrath - Characterization :: John Steinbeck and Robert Demott Evidence/ Quotations from the Text: "Winfield was breathless in his telling. 'So then they fit, an' that big girl hit Ruthie a good one, an' Ruthie said her brother'd kill that big girl's brother. An' then- an' then, Ruthie said our brother already kil't two fellas. An'- an' that big girl said, 'Oh yeah! You're jus' a litlle smarty liar.' An' Ruthie said, 'Oh yeah? Well, our brother's a- hiding right now from killin' a fella, an' he can kill that big girl's brother too" (456). "Muley continued, 'Well, sir, it's a funny thing. Somepin went an' happened to me when they tol' me I had to get off the place. .. Then all my folks all went away out west. An' I got wanderin' aroun'. Jus' walkin' aroun'. Never went far. Slep' where I was... I'd tell myself, 'I'm lookin' after things so when all the folks come back it'll be all right.' But I knowed that wan't true. There ain't nothin' to look after. The folks ain't never comin' back. I'm jus' wanderin' aroun' like a damn ol' graveyard ghos" (54). Analysis/ Commentary: At the camp, Ruthie becomes engaged in an argument that leads to serious consequences. In an effort to preserve her Cracker Jacks, she threatens to call upon her brother, who has killed two men and is now in hiding. Ruthie's revelation endangers Tom and forces him to abandon both his hideout and family. Ma, whose primary goal has been to keep the family together, must bid another painful farewell. Through his speech, Muley reveals that he is stubborn and refuses to accept the fact that things have changed. His home has been seized, and his family migrated to California, but he refuses to leave the land. Muley roams the countryside alone, sleeping and eating like a wild animal. Evidence/ Quotations from the Text "John shook his head. "No. Go on. Ain't goin'. Gonna res' here. No good goin' back. No good to nobody-jus' a draggin' my sins like dirty drawers 'mongst nice folks. No. Ain't goin'....Go ri' 'long. I ain't no good. I ain't no good. Jus' a-draggin' my sins, a-dirtyin' ever'body." (305). "For a minute Rose of Sharon sat still in the whispering barn. Then she hoisted her tired body up and drew the comfort about her. She moved slowly to the corner and stood looking down at the wasted face, into the wide, frightened eyes. Then slowly she lay down beside him.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

FISH! Philosophy of Teamwork Essay

FISH! is a philosophy people around the world are implementing in workplaces and educational facilities to help foster fun and teamwork in their business. This philosophy is interesting and has been successful. The founders Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen pulled together to create three books on teamwork which are named _Fish!, Fish! Sticks and Fish! Tales._ In these books they give pointers and tell stories of how making work fun and working as a team creates success. (Lundin, Paul, & Christensen, 2000) The idea of this philosophy emerged in 1998 from a film produced by John Christensen. The film is about Seattle’s World Famous Pike Place Market. John translated and depicted through his film that â€Å"even in a workplace where fishmongers spent smelly 12 hour shifts stocking, selling, and packing fish that amazing things can happen when people accept the invitation to: 1) Be There for their co-workers and customers, 2) Play, 3) Make someone’s day and 4) Choose their attitude about how they show up for work.† (Christensen, 2007, p. 1) After the film appeared the book _Fish!,_ this has been on the best seller’s list and translated into 17 different languages. Today the Fish! Philosophy has flourished among corporate and educational markets throughout the world. â€Å"We are not afraid to use words like love, soul, and spirit because those are an essential part of our humanity. But these values are just as important to businesses†¦We are on a journey together.† (Christensen, 2007, p. 1) Lundin, Paul, and Christensen believe that there are four secrets and strategies for a better way to create fun and teamwork in businesses. First, be there for co-workers. The biggest ways to do this is by smiling and acknowledging people while walking by them. Say hello, converse with co-workers, be friendly and help co-workers laugh. Take the time to listen to people around the workplace. When seeing a co-worker not happy, go up to them and give them a pat on the back and a compliment. Make an effort and try to get to know everyone. Show up for work to help the team. A team is not a team with people missing. These are all some of the things we can do to be there for co-workers. These strategies are used worldwide and seem to help. The second strategy is to play at work. Playing helps energize the workplace. Some examples of play are telling jokes to co-workers, maybe even pass around appropriate jokes (no personal jokes), saying things throughout the day to help people laugh. Have theme days where everybody dresses up differently. Having office parties helps unite play and team because everyone gets together. Create bulletin boards and decorate the office with fun stuff ensuring everyone’s involvement. Making work fun helps work to get done and makes people want to participate in a team. Third, make someone’s day which is easy to do and makes the team run smoother. Several ways to make someone’s day are as easy as saying hello, complimenting their looks, bringing baked goods to work, having a candy bowl out for others to enjoy, thanking people for the small and often overlooked things they do for us, acknowledging others’ accomplishments, being nice, and by simply volunteering our time. When working as a team it is very important to remember team means â€Å"we† not â€Å"I† that is why it is so important to help the team work easier. (Morton, 2007) Fourth, choose your attitude. Attitude plays an important role in teamwork as well. The good thing about attitude is you can choose a new one. Some ways to keep a positive attitude and help support the team are start each day with a personal positive thought, go to work with a positive attitude, put on a smile, start the day with a laugh or by being helpful, think positive. If you feel yourself getting a bad attitude change it so it does not affect others, be pleasant even if your day is not going well,  leave home at home and last walk around, speak to co-workers and wish them a good day. Successful teams all over the world are using these strategies and making them work. Some of these teams are Ford Motor Company, Wells Fargo, Sprint, the U.S. Army, the May O Clinic, Harley-Davison, the National Weather Service and Verizon Wireless. (Lundin, Paul, & Christensen, 2000) An article about Verizon Wireless struck an interest to me. It tells about how the Fish! Philosophy has helped the Southfield Verizon Wireless’ office. Call centers can be tough. Upset and angry customers call with billing and service questions, even problems. They chew up whoever answers the phone and results can hurt the company. They could have loss of customers, revenue, and employees. In a Southfield Verizon office receiving approximately 5,000 calls a day, you would probably expect it to be a stressful and frustrating place to work but due to them applying the Fish! Philosophy they say no. Instead the cubicles are decorated with cartoon fish and lessons for employees are taped on construction paper, employees can look forward to special days such as Mardi Gras, Black History and many others. Not only are they just all around happy, out of 273 employees, most appear happy. Verizon started using _Fish!_ in 2002 and reported results have been excellent. There was a signific ant decline in the call center’s complaints. The Southfield Verizon center that uses this philosophy ranks top amongst the company’s other 24 four call centers for solving customer problems on the first call. (Morath, 2005) How amazing that a philosophy developed from watching quaky workers at Seattle’s Pike Place Fish Market have fun, interact with customers and become a tourist attraction even though very smelly and not the cleanest place, tends to inspire, motivate, and engage employees through a system that makes work fun by rewarding creativity empowering employees. Most of all they keep employees and even more important they work as a team. (Morath, 2005) These are just some of the many successful companies using the Fish! Principles and this philosophy continue to grow. Teamwork is a vital part of life and we apply it everyday. We use it all over the place,  why not have fun while doing it. (Tucker, 2007) Doing this research on _Fish!_ not only interested me but has taught me a great deal. I have learned some very helpful tips in just this little time and if applied might truly help me not only in my job but with life and life’s struggles. Being part of a team is better than trying to accomplish tasks by oneself. I plan to keep learning and applying the Fish! Philosophy and the four principles; Be There, Play, Make Their Day, and Choose the right attitude to enhance my life and work. References Christensen, J. (2007). _FISH! Philosophy: What is FISH!._ Retrieved August 15, 2007, from Lundin, S. C., Paul, H., & Christensen, J. (2000). _FISH_! New York, NY: Hyperion. Morath, E. (2005). Fish Philosophy catches on_._ _Michigan Live, 2005_, Retrieved August 15, 2007, from Morton, B. (2007, August 11, 2007). Team big concept in today’s workplace; (Final Edition). _Star – Phoenix, Saskatoon, Sask, 2007, August_, Pg. F.20. Retrieved August 13, 2007, from ProQuest database. (Document ID: 1319529891). Tucker, C. (2007, March 21). Having fun at work †¦and play; Fish followers; Fish! Philosophy helps workers have fun. _York Daily Record,_ p. 6. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from ProQuest database. (Document ID: 1240070001).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Attachment Report: Kenya Seed Company Limited Essay

As per the indispensability of the Bachelor in commerce and economics course structure, I was obliged to condense an industrial chemical bond at an administration of my choice for a plosive of octonary weeks. This instance was meant to enable me glamatise with mold purlieu, class period skills and knowledge acquired in university and gain untold competence in my atomic come in 18a of peculiar(prenominal)ization. The applications programme program unconscious process begun as early as third year 2nd semester and I essentialiness secern it was not an simple task because I plundert count the digit of application I made with two letter and e-mail True to say, opportunities as it has been penned dash aside knocks iodines at e truly mans threshold or a womans door if I am imparted to appreciate sexuality parity. If not so they mo 1s in a blue moon and as somebody with superior minds has advised, in put up for angiotensin-converting enzyme to acquire th is r be fullness he/she has to keep spring and if all comes across in the process of jumping grasp it and capitalize on it.I would link these wise words to be me organism accorded an probability to clear and exercise the skills and knowledge that I take a shit acquired by dint of the years I get been working class my under-graduate degree programme at the foot of Global excellence in Training, macrocosm and development(JKUAT). As explicitly indicated in the put over page this r ar hazard was accorded to me by the Trans-National dep iodin Management. I began my industrial bond on 13th of June 2011 to 26th of noble 2011.This translates to around ten weeks.The first twenty-four hours basi songy involved an orientation programme where I was taken by the several(a) departments in the pious platitude and introduced to the rung members. The departments that I was taken by dint of were customer sustentation, modify department, immediate bement department, me rchandise department and realisation department where I worked under the direction of the kickoff music director Jacinta Ndolo and shoal establish supervisor Dr. Margret Oloko. I must say that it was an exciting luck working in an government which forms part of the pillars of the economy. In superstar way or anformer(a) I knew I would ext lay off my function in economic building while there. These whitethorn probably be evidenced in the duties that I get out perform.2.0 Objectives of the shackleThe primary(prenominal) objectives of the fixing were as bes* Impact and acknowledge the learner/ educatee glamatise with the work environment through partaking accorded roles and duties in the formation. This forms a good basis for their rising placement in the work industry.* It acts as a posting where student or an idiosyncratic mess relate what has learnt and what is on the ground indeed be approaching a gauge for his/her future success in the chosen air plain stitch specialization * Beside what is learnt in the university, the student gets an opportunity to acquire more skills and knowledge * Gives an opportunity for an individual or the student very much exercise the theoretical part learnt in school or at the university. * fond regard is like a pace typesetter for an individuals or the student future work. That is the student knows where to position him-self or her-self in the market place. * It to a fault forms a good basis for the judicature employee out-sourcing processes because from the interns they are able identify potency future employees for the organization. * Instill endurance and grit of responsibility in the students even as they purpose to hitchk chew over opportunities in future3.0 Mainframe of the report3.1 worldwide interpretation of the organization and the departments where attached. 3.1.2 Brief account of the organization and its roleTrans-national Bank eternally abbreviated as TNB is a buck private comp every which came into existence in 1985 as a SACCO. In the late 80s it was fully chattered as a private take that would provide some(prenominal) mortalal desireing aids and cooperate banking dos in the republic of Kenya. It has excellent products for small account holders and offers congestion free banking, innovative and responsive products and services, affordable bank charges and speed in finality making are its strong spirit train over competition. 3.1.3 Physical Address of the electric pig.Trans-National Bank (Kirinyaga street discriminate. P.o Box 69963-00400 TOM MBOYA NAIROBI, KENYA TEL224235/6, 252188-90 Vision and Mission of the BankThe organization is driven by a return of factors which include their vision and mission. These driving overstretchs are as out-lined beneath VISION To be theregional financial service provider of choice MISSION Provision of favorable financial services and solutions to customers through tall standards of service while increasing situation holders value.3.1.5 The Core Values of the OrganizationProfessionalism lawEfficiencyInnovationTeam workGood cooperate governance and sociable responsibility.3.1.6 The role of the organizationThe main and consequence role of the organization is s implicate proviso of banking services in the republic addition act corporate social responsibilities 3.1.7 view of the Organization.The bank plans to win a considerable personal banking clientele over the coming years and continue to expand and blossom out its wings across all the corners of the domain. The bank likewise expects that its net profit is issue to continually rise year in year out. Beside this it also expects that its marketing team impart continually seek to come up with tailor made products for its customers3.1.8 structure and Management of the organizationLike some(prenominal) separate organization it has a structure of management composed of the Dir ectors, chief decision maker sider(C.E.O), Audit committal, Credit perpetration, strategy charge, lay on the line committee, Assets and liability management committee, Human election committee, secretaries, Registered Office, Auditors, Advocates, managers, operations steadrs and staff members. The above provoke be summarized by the table belowThe Board of directorsChief Executive officerAudit committeeCredit committeeStrategy committee Risk committee Assets & Liability committee Human resourcefulness committeeSecretaries Registered office Auditors AdvocatesOperations Officers IT committee Tellers & notesiers other staff members3.1.9 The Organizations counterbalanceesThe head office is in Nairobi (Trans-National Plaza) city vestibule way. The comp any boasts of several branches across the country ranging from Nairobi Branch(city hall way)JKIA branchKirinyaga Road BranchEPZ(Export Processing Zone)Mombasa BranchMombasa internationalist disseminateport BranchEldoret Bran chNandi Hills BranchKericho BranchNakuru BranchKabarak BranchOlenguruone BranchKabarnet Branch,Sheik Karume branch among others3.2.0 The Services and Products be offered at the BankThe Bank offers a variety of services and products ranging from Current accountsSavers Accounts movement Account,Mshahara Account (Salaried individuals)Mrembo Acount (Ladies Account)Msomi Account (Students Account)Angels Account ( Childrens Acount)Investment Account,Hazina Account (Self Employed Individuals) circumstances Account,Fixed DepositsSWIFT RemmitancesStanding Instructions,Air Time Top UpSMS Banking e.t.c.4.0 Departments at the organization.The main departments found at the site where I was attached and I happened to transom window across were as follows. * The customer care Service* The marketing department* The modify department* The cash Department* The deferred payment department5.0 General activities Undertaken in the Organizationfile of account fan outing forms for clients register of RTGS( Real Time Gross resoluteness Forms) and their confirmation Memos Filing of TTS( Telegraphic Transfers Forms)Filing of unclutter documents, cheque book communicate forms, expenses receipts e.t.c Issuing of cheque books and record themPhotocopying and printingTurning on and off the arrangings, setting them up and general modify of the softwares. Documents and parcels speech between the branch and main foreman Quarters at the Central Business District (C.B.D) occupation taking (That includes posting of all veritable stock i.e stationery in the system) Assisting clients acquire the BRITACK (British Ameri derriere) I.P.O (Initial Public Offer) forms.6.0 Specific activities undertaken during the hamperThe fondness activities were undertaken at departmental level during the period of attachment and they are as stipulated below. 6.1 The customer care service Department attending to general inquires from clients/customers.Availing account balances and estatements of accou nts to clients Assisting new clients open new accounts.Closing of in-active accounts.Activating of de-activated accounts upon clients request.update clients accounts.The Marketing Department.Marketing the organizations products and services within the branch rural area and Nairobi touch in general Visiting both present and potential clients at their argumentation premises to find out their progress, challenges liner them, seeking their opinion on the level of satisfaction and practical progressions on our products and services. Preparing call reports after every marketing outing. call up calls to unreached clients during call visits for updates or follow up exercise. Attending marketing meetings with the marketing managers.Providing a readily available, service-focused, knowledgeable and experience point of contact for new customers. Cross- exchange the banks products in effect.Identifying customer ask effectively and open new accounts accordingly.Managing the customer port folio which comprises of superior net worth local investors modify and continually maintaining KYC (Know Your customer) on all clients held in our portfolio, including up to date information on clients financial rearwardground. Identifying market for the organization6.2 The clearing DepartmentReceiving and verification of chequesRecording of unsalaried chequesIssuing and recording of bankers chequesRunning the cheques through Checkpoint Truncation System (CTS).This involves capturing the images of all cheques through a scanner, undertaking standard entry, verification and generating their commission. Posting of cheques inOMNI (Omni is network that allow posting of cheques online so that respective recipients can access them wherever they are. Undertaking TR (transfer) this is do for inward cheques and is simply transferring the money from underdrawers account to the payee account and the same use to KRA(Kenya Revenue Authority) tax remittance by clients. Recording of receiv ed cheque books, issued ones and fit the books on daily basis. Sorting cheques in order of bank codes and amounts in conceptualisation for cross checking with the Outward Clearing s sum (OWCLG).6.3 The Cash Department* Organizing Cashiers cubicle, stamps in readiness of the daylight. * Acquiring controlled equilibrate cash at the start of the day. * Scrutinizing cash withdrawal cheques and slips for correctness before judge them. * Scrutinizing cash/cheque deposit pay in slips for correctness of technical expand before receiving. * Forex transactions i.e. buying and selling of foreign echange * Verifying customers signature.* Paying cash within the define and referring cheques for limit authorization. * Posting of cash deposits, withdrawals and Cheques for local clearing. * Issuing of Bankers cheques.* Sorting of grime notes.* Assisting in cash confirmation realise for sealing and lodgment. * Making references to the operations manual to ensure compliance. * Reconciliatio n of accounts as depute by the branch Manager * whatever other okay office work assigned by the branch manager.6.4 The credit DepartmentThe credit department basically deals with provisions of gives and summation financing to the clients. The core activities involved Receiving opera hatow application forms/documents from appliers.Analyzing, scrutinizing and assessing their loan documents which include their securities. Undertaking account statistics which include analyzing applicants transaction turnover, commissions, reside and ledger fees. Making call visits to applicants vocation premises to ascertain thefollowing facts as part of loan lending process The location of the demarcation and their officesThe type of line of railway line one is operating i.e. company, partnership, sole- proprietorship e.t.c The description of goods and services beingness offered by the business e.g. Hard-ware, stationery, Hotel, e.t.c. The major(ip) suppliers and customers of the loan ap plicantWhether they do any importation or exportationThe mode of payment to suppliers i.e. through cash, cheques,TTs(Telegraphic Transfers) or RTGS(Real Time Gross settlement). Their new enthronisation plan i.e. new products, fixed asset acquisition , , how long they guide been in business, the expectation from the investment and if they have had any changes since their establishment. The make out management number of employees and their qualification. after all this exercise I was evaluate make an appraisal report for the applicant in conjunction with other members in the credit department. This would then be passed to manager for approval before being forwarded Head office. 7.0 A profile of skills and competencies gainedI must acknowledge that during this period numerous skills and impartment was gained and they are as outlined below plainly im prove my conversation skills as being most important skill through interacting with clients through marketing exercise, customer se rvice department and general discourse to clients in the departments that I worked Handling of bulk cash including verification, sorting, sealing e.t.c Never new much about loan procedures but got an opportunity to know them as has been stipulated under the activities under-taken in the credit department. Writing of bankers cheques was a line skill gained. Never in my smell had I written one. More to it I learnt that bankers cheques permit no alteration of any magnitude because if it goes with alteration chances are soaring that it will bounce. Preparation of call reports and appraisals for loan applicants and new customers was also a key thing that I wise to(p). How to identify legitimate and fake cash by sight certain features through a special cash scanner.8.0 Activities which I applied my skills for the turn a profit of the organization.Being through a learn and rearing system, I came to agree that it is an inherent and critical instrument in an individual lifespan a nd as galore(postnominal) institutions would pronounce their mottos and vision, true to say education is key, infirm or avenue to many things in an individuals life. Therefore to me the skills I have acquired in institutions of learning enabled me deal the organization in the following ways My intercourse skills enabled me to owe a number of new clients to the organization during the marketing crack and while at customer service. The data processor skills that I gained earlier in my life also enabled me solve a few computer errors and software hitches at the organization. The courage I have accrued by embracing leadership positions enabled me interact with clients of all personalities. Through entrepreneurial knowledge gained in university I was able to make remarkable and immense contribution during marketing and other staff meetings for branch evaluation and addressing mechanical press issues.9.0 Strategy for utilization of the contacts established during attachment Serv ing at the branch as an intern enabled me to expand my public congress territory by a important percentage. I have brushed shoulders with deal of divergent personalities and caliber both during office work and during marketing sessions and call visits. This clear me to the market and thus I count was able to position myself well in the melody market. Therefore the contacts, I believe will give me an edge both now and in future as I seek personal and social establishment. The ideologies also gained through contacts will be used in constructive carriage through the daily processes that I will be undertaking or engaging myself in. 10. 0 Challenges of internship.Getting the attachment in the first place was a major hurdle that was difficult to jump across. some application were made but about 90% were almost unfruitful Expenses incurred in the whole process of attachment ranging from application to actual working period were very high. That include the travel cost, accommodati on among others proved kind of challenging Uncooperative clients. whatever clients at work place would give off to follow stipulated bank procedures and one had to be patient enough in direct and reminding them what they are supposed to do. Dealing withdead-lines. At times dealing with date-lines proved absentminded because of bulk of work, time given to pass it and the labor force available to fill Work overload. Sometimes work was so much more especially during end-months where organizations are paying salaries to their workers and tax remittance by the organizations11.0 Suggested solutions to the above challengesThe University should chip in by liaising with various organizations to assist students get attachment. Availing of any attachment information at their disposal e.g it came to my notice that some organization needs a prior of like common chord months before the actual date of attachment commencement. Provision of adaptations The organizations should consider pro viding some allowances to interns for their forethought during the attachment period and also act as source of motive. Civic education on clients on organizations rules and etiquette. The organizations should organize forums where clients can be taught operational etiquette, rules, call and conditions of operations Provide reasonable date-lines. This should put into shape the amount of work to be through and available time and also the number of workers Increase the staff members This would counter the occupation workload and beating date-line12.0 Analysis, placard and critiques12.1Analysis and observationIt was conspicuously observed that there was a significant relationship between what is learned in the university or in the school and what is practiced or exercised in the industry. A few of the things I have learnt and were being used in the industry included the Amortization schedules concepts, reducing balances concepts, reconciliation concepts, market segmentation concept s, partnership, competitive pricing, required improvement on existing banks products and new ones, strategies on improving the companies corporate brand strategy state of sales team and possible improvements, staffing systems e.g adequacy of staff members and skills responsive to business growth, efforts to enhance performance of staff, efforts to create a conducive and professional environment that embeds bank values, efforts to enhance operational efficiency and say-so incustomer service delivery and alternative delivery channels. If one keenly cuts across this we can conclude that quite a number of these things we have learnt in the units that we have covered so furthermost ranging from accounting, finance, marketing, Human Resource Management among other units. Therefore if approximately analyzed I can conclude that 80% of what did was related to what I learnt in the university. 12.2 CritiquesPoor communication and feedback system. I would say that there were patronize break down in communication system at place of attachment due to poor network or unstable network in the system that was being used to relay clients information. This created a lot of inconviencies both to clients and workers who had to work overtime because of such failures Under-staffing Serving clients adequately and finis work on time was a problem because of less labor force at the firm Lack of motivation to the staff if one compares the staff re-numeration with the amount work done, it was not really motivating. Workers also worked over-time as late as 9pm but with no extra time allowance which was a really de-motivating experience. Lack of secretiveness i.e absence of closed door office. The back door offices were open that is the window panes were trans-parent allowing clients see all the transaction under-taken there and so posing a security scourge to the organization which mainly deals with finances.13.0 RecommendationInterns who have successfully completed their attachmen t and have proved their worth in their area of specialization should be absorbed back in the organization. This would aid the organization in cutting cost on training, orientation of new employees e.t.c Increase the staff. The staff song should be increased in the organization to facilitate improvement in service delivery hence profit realization. vulturine marketing. The organization needs still to do a lot in footing of marketing itself and its products in the republic if it needs to proof its worth in the market. need should be embraced. The employees there need a lot of motivation if the organization is to up its performance in the banking industry affectionate service delivery to clients should be looked into favor and this would be solved by staff increment and improvement in the communication net-work at theorganization. 14.0 Summary and conclusions.I must acknowledge that going for an attachment was one the most interesting and captivating things in my life. One of the most valuable lessons learnt from the internship is that it is of the core group that one enjoys their seam. It is unimaginable that a person should go through so many years of schooling just to end up sulking each and every day of their work such people were met during the attachment it is not a desirable state to be in. In most of the cases,the internship served to memorize more of what not to do quite an than what to do. It clearly brought out the importance of integrate ones personality and interests with their occupation, although this whitethorn not be easy in the light of the highly competitive job market in todays world. However, it should be noted that enjoying ones job does not necessarily imply that one has the ideal job they have always envisioned since this may be based on hypothetical beliefs and expectations rather, it implies conclusion that job that brings the best out of ones personality that occupation that will bring fulfilment and satisfaction and that will lead to a perfection of the sympathetic person. In addition to the above, it can be concluded that flexibility in terms of career choice is necessary. It is not guaranteed that one will necessarily end up working in the specific field of study that they have undertaken in their undergraduate program after all, job kinetics are better learnt on the job itself than in class. It is therefore important that one is open to any viable opportunities that may present themselves, other than the ideal job that may have been envisaged, provided they bring the best out of ones capabilities.